CROWHOST hosting+colocation services. Datacenter remote hands and contingency services serving Chicago, IL - datacenter specialist - 877-CROWHOST - data center specialist chicago

System Messages / motd.

Date Message Affected Users
01-26-20 Data migration as part of upgrades various email and shell server restarts of about ~10min each.
06-06-21 moved systems stop all between 12:45pm and 8:00pm
10-04-17 Power loss at datacenter. Services restored ~2000 CDT Everything.
01-17-14 Complete outage starting around 12:30pm lasting until about 5:00 for a datacenter move. All customers, all services. Please note IPs have changed, host keys have not
08-05-11 failed. No mail was lost, but IMAP services were inaccessible. dovecot had to be reinstalled and disk replaced on filer.
05-22-10 A new inbound mail server has been installed to replace rebecrow2. MX records are being updated so customer mail goes to this new server. Please note that any changes made though the web-based email tools may not show up immediately. Please call 877-276-9467 if you require any changes.
05-20-10 IMAP.CROWHOST.COM crashed at 10:10am CST. Only users still using IMAP and not IMAP1. The server was working again a few minutes later.
12-14-09 Exciting news. The Courier IMAP to Dovecot conversion tests look good so far. Courier IMAP has been in use here for many years. While rock solid, it's so strangely written that it's essentially unusable under the solaris operating system.
Dovecot actually configures, compiles and works on BSD and Solaris systems, and has extra features that increase performance in the the larger mailboxes of today.

For now, only users who request mailbox conversion. Please call or email for more information.

10-10-09 unplanned SMTP and IMAP mail service outage /net/mail was too full. Halted mail services and migrated mail to /net/mail2, between 6:40pm and 7:10pm Central.
02-23-09 smtp-out-2 had to be restarted a few times Delay of mail delivery to addresses for about 45 minutes.
11-17-08 Webmail max file upload size increased from 8 to 16MB Please note that lots of people cannot receive messages this large.
07-13-08 Webserver + Database machine reboots Outage was between 7/13/08 15:26:32 and 7/13/08 15:39:37
07-13-08 inbound mailqueue problems not email was received for some domains between Satuday and Sunday. All these messages should have been delivered by now.
07-09-08 several webservers restarted approximately 5 minutes of loss between 10:20 and 10:25am CST
04-09-08 Loss of upstream connectivity all services down between 8:40 and 10:06pm CST
02-19-08 rebooted to change NIC drivers as well as clock interrupt rate shell and FTP users between 12:40 and 12:45pm CST
11-09-07 Yahoo! thinks Crowhost customers are spammers (not true), and is deferring mail deliver to addresses that originate on Crowhost systems. Ticket KMM108407006V56295L0KM has been opened with Yahoo.
11-07-07 SNMPd filled up /var on a rebecrow2 (mailserver) Customers may have had problems receiving email until 7:30pm CST. SNMP is used to monitor disk space, not fill it up. This issue is being examined.
11-07-07 SSL cert for updated webmail was down for a few minutes after 12:30am CST.
09-10-07 upsteam connectivity was lost between 7:42pm and 8:13pm CST all services and customer sites were down during this period.
08-09-07 shell machine rebooted at 11:25AM CST shell and FTP users
07-14-07 webmail updates applied between 1:30 and 1:45pm CST. webmail users. You can now attach upto 8MB files to emails, up from 2MB
06-20-07 shell/FTP server rebooted at 2:45pm CST. It was acting odd and may have caused FTP/SCP timeout errors prior to this. shell and FTP users.
06-10-07 PHP 4.4.0 upgraded to 4.4.7 on bible customers on bible, between 11:25 and 11:30pm CST
06-01-07 Credit Card payment page works again customers making online payments
05-23-07 the old 4.11 shell machine finally went away. still runs, but as a virtual server now. It needed a kernel recompile, but is mostly unchanged otherwise. This was sort of unplanned shell users, a few embperl sites, or sites requiring perl 5
01-16-07 shell and FTP services were removed from host Please use, or Everybody, especially users unable to FTP or ssh into recently.
12-14-06 migrated services to new server no customer impact.
12-10-06 filer restarted at 11:20pm CST. Some sites were inaccessible for around 6 minutes.
10-16-06 RBL spam filters installed. Mostly spammers. Crowhost customers will see far less spam than usual. If you notice any problems receiving valid messages, please contact support.
09-29-06 servers were moved to another set of cabinets. Essentially everything was down at some point between 12:10am and 2:00am CST.
09-16-06 rebecrow faulted. RAID set was moved to spare server and brought up. Some mysql users may have lost database connectivity until the replacement server was brought up at 7:45am CST. Diagnostics are being run on rebecrow to determine the cause of the hardware issues.
08-11-06 bible kernel panicked at 5:30pm CST bible came up again at 5:45pm CST. Exact cause of the crash is being determined. Shell and WWW services were affected for about 15 minutes.
08-07-06 home directories being migrated To assure data consistency, some sites will be splash screened during the move, which is expected to last from 4:00am to 4:30am CST.
07-28-06 Secondary filer storage shelf was moved to a new host. some shell and mail users may not have been able to login between 5:45am and 7:45am CST.
06-23-06 Seconday mail/scratch filer was halted to add new disks. some users may not have been able to access their mailboxes between 9:30am and 9:35am CST.
06-01-06 The secondary mail filer storage card was upgraded to a higher performance model, which should have been compatible with the operating system. It wasn't and the filer had to be upgraded. some users may not have been able to access their mailboxes between 9:45pm and 1:30am CST.
05-01-06 egg halted to add more RAM and new network card. Egg now has 4GB of memory and a dedicated NFS connection. dev users on egg
04-17-06 webmail/imap server restarted mail services were interrupted for 10 minutes starting at 1:45am CST.
03-03-06 service to was restored. Code for date matching pattern were not compatible with extra spaces in the FreeBSD syslog date format users who use as their outgoing smtp with new IP addresses after Feb 28, 2006
02-23-06 pop before smtp was added for testing. Successful logins
to will allow smtp relay access off on port 25 or 2525
Crowhost hosting+colocation services
1658 N. Milwaukee Ave. #371
Chicago, IL 60647
773-759-3601, 877-CROWHOST



Note: ruptime info is not always accurate, but here's the best guess as of Tue Oct 22 07:02:04 CDT 2024


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